Pancha Mahabhuta Yoga Chikitsa weekend Retreat / CPD
Fri, 09 Jun
|Yoga Satsanga Ashram, Wales
How to live aligned with the 5 elemental building blocks of our existence in balance

Time & Location
09 Jun 2023, 17:00 – 12 Jun 2023, 22:00
Yoga Satsanga Ashram, Wales, Ardwyn Grange, Login, Whitland SA34 0UY, UK
About the event
Weekend Pancha Mahabhuta intensive residential Course
Course Lead by Yogachariya Jnandev with support from Yogacharini Deepika
Pancha-Maha-Bhutas means the Five Major Elements of Life!
Any of the aspects of Yoga Therapy we study, we need to know the basic principles along with the application, adaptation and practicability to succeed in our endeavours. In this lesson we are aiming to study the concepts and principles of Pancha-Mahabhutas and the simple yoga therapy practices to enhance our healing process and well-being.
Samkhya Yoga, Hindu Darshana and Ayurveda details the theory and practices around Pancha Mahabhutas. Whole universe is within each living being and each each living being is in whole universe according to Vedic teachings. Knowing this Oneness or Union is pathway to absolute liberation. Our body is known to be composed of modification of the Pancha-Mahabhutas. Hence the understanding of Pancha-Mahabhutas may carry subtle understanding of our health and wellness.
Theory of Tri-Doshas, Tri-Gunas, and Rasa Sidhanta (theory of six taste) etc were primarily based on this theory of five major elements. These five are:
1. Prathvi: - earth or solid
2. Apa or Jala: - liquid or water
3. Tejas or Agni: - Heat, energy or fire
4. Vayu: - Wind or air
5. Akasha: - Voidness or space
In Indian Wisdom traditions, Vedas are considered to be the first recorded sources of this science and knowledge (Vijnana). Vedas explains our how to perform our Dharma and Karma along with religious rituals, sacrifices and ceremonies for health, evolution, prosperity and peace.
Samkhya, Yoga, Ayurveda and Vedantic teachings which were developed much later on explain the creation, evolution and life-process at a very subtle level to gross in scientific way. I personally would like to call these sciences as mother of our modern sciences. Here is explained that: -
• every cause follows an effect and reaction in our living dynamic universe.
• Human being a little structural and functional model of whole universe (Yat Pinde Tat Brahmande).
Parinama Sidhanta (theory of evolution or transformation) of cosmogenesis is most widely accepted theory among various Vedic theories of creation.
Daily schedule:
6:30 Guided meditation and visualisations for 5 elements
7:00 Hatha yoga for 5 elements
8:30 Breakfast
10:00 Karma Yoga
11:30 Pranayama and Yoga nidra for 5 elements
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Free time
16:00 Theory and mantra for pancha mahabhutas
17:00 Hands on Yoga Therapy focused on pancha mahabhutas
18:00 Supper
19:00 Bhajan and Satsanga on Yogic life and bringing 5 elements into balance within us
Arrive by 5pm Friday 9th June, Depart Sunday 11th June 3pm
Price: £450 total (deposit of £150 required to secure your place)
What’s included:
Accommodation (pleas note room may be shared with 1 other person)
CPD certificate can be issued for existing Yoga Teachers 25 hours
Book authored by Yogachariya Jnandev on Pancha Mahabhutas