200hrs Yoga Teacher Training Portugal
Wed, 15 Nov
|Gurukula A home Of Santana Yoga
Residential intensive YTT program 200 hrs

Time & Location
15 Nov 2023, 10:00 GMT – 06 Dec 2023, 06:00 GMT
Gurukula A home Of Santana Yoga, tapada da outeiro, 6000-022 Maxiais, Portugal
About the event
Teacher Training course at the International Yoga Satsanga Ashram Portugal 300 hours
Dates: November 12th - Dec 2nd
(arrive Nov 11th Depart Dec 3rd)
This course is an intensive YTT into Sanatan Yoga a classical Hatha, Jnana and Raja yoga-based tradition, which has a strong foundation in the Gitananda paramparai. Â There will be a short foundation course that should be completed before starting this course as a preparation.
The course will be lead by Yogachariya Jnandev Giri and Yogacharini Deepika Giri who are both senior Gitananda Yoga teachers.
Deepika and Jnandev have been successfully running YTT programs over the last 12 years at Yoga Satsanga Ashram which they founded in West Wales UK. Â The Ashram is Portugal is new venture and expansion of the UK Ashram. Â As this ashram is off grid and basic outdoor living as much as possible at the Portugal Ashram we are offering very low prices compared to the UK. This is partly due to the accommodation being very basic at Portugal and we understand this type of eco living may not be manageable for everyone, even though it is the most yogic way of living!
About the Portugal Ashram:
The international Yoga Satsanga Ashram is set at the edge of a forest, mountain region very close to the City of Castelo Branco which is towards the Spanish boarder. We are approximately 2 hours from Lisbon airport by car. Buses are available every 2 hours from Lisbon for around 14 Euro (one way) to Castelo Branco where we can arrange pick up.
The Ashram is a 21-acre hillside with many cork oak trees and pine trees. The land is bordered by a seasonal stream and to the south side of the land we have around 30 olive trees some of which are very old. Â There are some stunning panoramic views form the top of the land and some nice open spaces. Â
Life at the Ashram will be very much outdoor lifestyle! We will try to grow our own food, live in harmony with nature, use compost toilets, outdoor showers and we are off grid and have power via solar panels or a generator when we need to pump water from the bore hole. Â We have one main building with a large yoga hall. Students will stay in a log cabin which may be shared with one other student. Â We also have two caravans as single accommodation and camping option is also available. Â There will be different pricing for each option from:
Euro 2250 cabin
Euro 2250 caravan
bring your own tent 2000 E
includes all food and course materials.
All vegetarian food will be provided (within reason, any special dietary products may need to be purchased by the student).Â
We will run an intensive program over the 4 weeks early starts and teaching till late evenings. Â We will give a few hours off every afternoon and one day off per week.Â
Typical daily schedule:
6am Aarti, quiet sitting and Dharana practices
6:30am Hatha Yoga
8:30am Breakfast
9:30am Karma Yoga
10:30am break
11:30am PranayamaÂ
1:30pm Lunch break
Free time for rest or study
3:30pm Mantra or Bhajans
4:30pm Teaching skills and/or Yogic theory
6:30 Supper
7:30 Bhajans and Satsanga
full syllabus available on website www.yogasatsanga.org
Course Outline –
Hatha Yoga - 7 Sets of Hatha Yoga – including jattis, kriyas, asana, pranayama, mudra and badhas. (each one of them will be practised as 1 hour session and 1.5 hrs session)
- Hatha for beginners and general health-A simple and progressive lesson plan to introduce people into holistic hatha yoga to gain general health and well-being.
- Hatha Yoga for Breathing-Hathenas to improve sectional breathing, enhancing quality of prana and energy, mind-emotion cleanse. Hathenas and Vedic Suriya Namaskar.
- Hatha Yoga for flexibility, strength, and vitality.Chatus-Pada Kriyas followed by Aruna, Vedic, Rishikesha Suriya Namaskar.
- Hatha Yoga for Balance, vitality and Harmony-Hatha Yoga series to balance right-left, loma-viloma, sun-moon energies to bring balance, and improve immunity. (Aruna Suriya Namaskar Extended 2 sets)
- Activation of Pranic Energies and channelling them for better health and well-being. Kshatriya Kriyas, Vajra-veera and Vajrasana supta.
- Classical Approach of Hatha Yoga –Static poses, bandhas and mudras for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development.
- Teaching Skills or understanding lesson planning.Lesson plans- 1. Self- Healing, 2. Gentle work-out, energy balance, and vitality, 3 advance hatha yoga for prana-apana union.
- Assessment.- students led sessions.
Applied Yoga Philosophy
1. Introduction and meaning of yoga in various context- Yoga has so many meanings, definitions as it all depends on what you are seeking out of yoga. It can be seen as tools to keep fit physically, others can see it as tool to relax, stay calm, or can see it as tools to concentrate and meditate. In this chapter we will explore various meanings and definitions of yoga in various contexts and scriptures.
2. Yoga in Ancient and Modern times- Yoga has evolved, transformed. Yoga used be for few of those seeking for enlightenment in Ancient India where the Guru will look for a disciple who is qualified to learn yoga. While in modern times yoga is easily available and accessible to every one. Yoga has also devolved as in modern times many are using term yoga as a fashion and brand to teach all the keep fit exercises. In this section we will explore how yoga has transformed from ancient to modern times.
3. Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga- Raja Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga is highest form of yoga as a path with tools to deal with our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and karmic issues and various states as we grow and evolve. In this chapter we aim to understand steps of raja yoga as a life path.
4. The many Paths of Yoga- Yoga has many paths, approaches and tools like jnanas (wisdom), dhyana (meditation), karma (action), bhakti (devotion), etc. In this chapter we will try to explore these overlapping paths and practices in yoga.
5. Obstacles in Sadhana and tools to deal with them.
6. Key Yoga Scriptures- In this section we will study history, roots, key ideas, and practices of key yoga scriptures – Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Bhagavat Gita, Gheranda Samhita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiva Samhita, Yoga Vashistha and Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.
7. Pancha Yamas and Niyamas- In this chapter we will discuss on basic moral and ethical discipline and understand their practical importance in overcoming our animal behaviour problems driven by our desires and emotions.
8. Pancha Yamas- We will go into further detail to understand Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truth), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmachariya (energy discipline), and Aprigraha (non-greed).
9. Pancha Niyamas- Niyamas are code of conducts on how to live as a good human being and evolve on the authentic yoga path. In this chapter we aim to understand universal concepts concepts of first two niyamas- Saucha (cleansing) and Samtosha (contentment).
10. Asana- Asana is third limb and very well explored and known in modern yoga. In this chapter we will look into asana and its meaning in various contexts and its importance and benefits in modern times.
11. Asana and Pancha Kosha- In this chapter we will explore five body concept of yoga in compare to one body concept of modern science and understanding yoga in holistic health and well being.
12. Key concept of Hatha Yoga – In this section we will explore key concepts of hatha yoga like Ha-Tha, Loma-Viloma, Shiva-Shakti, Prana-Apana, Spanda-Nispada, Adhi-Vyadhi, Nadis and Chakras etc.
13. Pancha Prana, Naris and Kundalini- Prana is subtlest form of cosmic energy, which is all pervading and all sustaining. Whole universe evolves from this pranic energy. This energy evolves in various forms to sustain various activities in and around us. In this chapter we explore on concept of pancha prana and importance of its understanding in day to day life.
14. Pranayama– The science of our vital energy or force that give us life and vitality. Pranayamas are practiced though breath work, but the breath-work is not the aim, it is to control our prana.
15. Yoga as holistic Life- Health and Happiness through yogic living – In this closing chapter we will aim to study and understand importance and value of yoga as holistic living and explore how yoga can applied in day to day events. By accepting Yoga as a lifestyle choice we can being to see how naturally a healthy and happy life will come about. This chapter will also cover re-birth and re-incarnation to explore the concept of life as an eternal Divine blessing, to be free from fear of death and letting go.
16. Samaskaras, Karma and Evolution- Samaskaras are deep ingrained behaviour patterns. Karma is our action on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. In this chapter we try to explore and understand concepts of Karma and choices we make leading us into many unconscious karmas and Samskaras.
17. Pratyahara, meaning and importance- Pratyahara is fifth limb of raja yoga, which means sensory withdrawal. In this chapter we study about senses in modern and ancient concepts of yoga and Upanishads and explore the ways to discipline them.
18. Tantra and Hatha Concepts of Union and Evolution- Ha-Tha, Loma-viloma or masculine-faminine concepts yoga and exploring ways of there union in aid to evolution. We study concepts of Tantra as energy balancing concepts of right and left (male and female) energies in us as individuals to become who we are.
19. Dharana or Concentration-Patanjali says that concentration is ability of our mind. In this chapter we study 6thlimb of ashtanga yoga and explore various tools and practices.
20. Contemplation and cultivating your thoughts or learn how to think-Our mind manifests or echo through our body and vice versa. In this chapter we explore importance and process of thinking, contemplation and their influences.
21. Dhayana and Samadhi- These are 7thand 8thlimbs of raja yoga means meditation and enlightenment. In this chapter we continue from concentration or dharana and explore further deeper.
- Savitri Rhythm and Sukha Purvaka Pranayama- Solar rhythm and easy but rhythmic breathing is a nice and gentle way to introduce into pranayama practices. These are to help balance and activate our energies and harmonize our body, mind and emotions together.
- Suriya and Chandra Nari Pranayama-Sun and Moon nostril breathing is to help activate right and left sides of brain and find harmony in our day to day life.
- Vibhaga Pranayama -Sectional breathing.
- Pranava Pranayama-Pranava AUM pranayama is beautiful way to activate all three sections of our lungs and recharge our vital organs.
- Bhastrikas-Nine cleansing breathing techniques to get rid of negative energies on every level.
- Sukha Pranayamas with Pratyahara and Dharna concept.
- Anunashika Pranayama for cleansing nostrils and sinuses.
- Bhramari-Bhramara Pranayama for brain-nervous system activation and recharging.
Yoga Anatomy and Physiology
1. General Anatomical Terms, cells, tissues, organs, systems and Yoga 2 hours
2. Skeletal System and Yoga 2 Hours
3. Muscles and Yoga 2 hours
4. Key Body Systems and Yoga 2 hours
5. Contraindications, yoga adjustments and key issues 2 hours
6. Respiration and Hatha Yoga 2 hours
7. Backbone, spine and Yoga. 2 hours
If you’re interested, please contact us soon as we will have only 8 places available. Â
• Applicants must have experience of yoga for atleast 2 years
• Applicants should complete a short foundation program with us before arrival (can be done on-line and will be included free)
• Applicants will need to complete health disclaimers and agree to adhere to Ashram codes of conduct